28. September 2019
Spectacular ceremony to award EUSA’s best
The magnificent Teatro Aveirense in the picturesque city of Aveiro, Portugal played host to an entertaining annual EUSA Awards Ceremony on Friday, September 27.Organised by EUSA in conjunction with hosts FADU – the Portuguese University Sport Federation – the prestigious event served to recognise the stand-out achievements of individuals,..
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27. September 2019
EUSA Assembly in Aveiro concludes
The Extraordinary General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) was held on Friday, September 27 in Aveiro, hosted by the Portuguese Academic Federation of University Sport (FADU) at the University of Aveiro.Following the strategic goals of the organisation, the main aim of the assembly was to adopt changes in the EUSA..
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27. September 2019
Many words of wisdom shared at EUSA Conference 2019
An intense yet extremely knowledge-filled and inspiring EUSA Conference was held in the city of Aveiro in Portugal, which brought together some of the wisest minds and highest authorities in European University Sport.Held at the University of Aveiro on September 26 and organised in conjunction with Portuguese University Sport Federation FADU, the..
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27. August 2019
Assembly documents available
We would like to inform member organisations that Assembly Papers - documents for the EUSA Extraordinary General Assembly - are available at the EUSA Internal Area, accessible to the National University Sports Associations (NUSAs): http://extranet.eusa.euDocuments > INTERNAL > General Assemblies > 2019If you haven't done so already, please..
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19. July 2019
Preparatory EUSA Conference meetings held in Aveiro
EUSA travelled to the picturesque coastal city of Aveiro in Portugal for a two-day meeting as preparations continue for the highly-anticipated EUSA Conference 2019.Taking place between September 25-28, this year’s EUSA event – made up of the EUSA Conference, extraordinary General Assembly and Gala – will also serve as the main anniversary..
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28. June 2019
Preparations underway for EUSA Conference 2019
Preparations are underway for EUSA’s main anniversary event of the year – the EUSA Conference, extraordinary General Assembly and Gala.The biannual conference, extraordinary General Assembly and special Gala will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, the host city of the very first European Universities Championships event (Basketball) in 2001.Adding..
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16. January 2019
Aveiro getting ready for EUSA anniversary events in 2019
Between September 25 and 28, the Portuguese city of Aveiro will host the main anniversary events of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) - the EUSA Conference, Assembly and Gala.EUSA was established in 1999 in Vienna, Austria, and in 2019, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary. To commemorate it, we will organise our biannual..
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15. November 2018
Save the date: EUSA Conference, General Assembly and Gala 2019
European University Sports Association (EUSA) is announcing the dates of the EUSA Conference, Extraordinary General Assembly and Gala 2019, and invites you to save the date, marking the events on your calendars and start planning your attendance.EUSA Conference and Extraordinary General Assembly, accompanied by the EUSA Gala as the main 20th..
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